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Charlie has escaped from Sing-Sing. He burrows up through sand on the beach and is chased by several guards. Nearby Edna's mother is drowning and her 'strong man' beau is afraid to rescue her. Charlie rescues Edna, then (unwillingly) her mother, and is then nearly drowned by her suitor. Found by the family chauffeur, Charlie is brought to Edna's house to recover. There he romps...

正在播放:冒险者第05集 。 更新于12-22 03:33,播放来源于云播tk。





冒险者第05集在线观看。 更新于12-22 03:33,播放来源于云播tk。


剧情介绍:第05集-Charlie has escaped from Sing-Sing. He burrows up through sand on the beach and is chased by several guards. Nearby Edna's mother is drowning and her 'strong man' beau is afraid to rescue her. Charlie rescues Edna, then (unwillingly) her mother, and is then nearly drowned by her suitor. Found by the family chauffeur, Charlie is brought to Edna's house to recover. There he romps...——瓜子西瓜提供。